M/S. Aries Plastic Pvt. Ltd. started as proprietary concern in SSI sector commenced its activities as manufacture of spare parts for Bore-well hand Pumps with one lathe machine in rented premises located at Moosapet, Hyderabad in the year 1986.
In the process of development, started manufacturing of spares for Turbines made by BHEL and Machinery components to B.D.L. in the year 1988. This Sega of growth continued.
In 1992 acquired land for factory building and constructed factory building in the year 1996.
In 2002, started to manufacture of New Product called DOMESTIC DE-FLUORIDATION WATER FILTER which has been developed in- house.
Since 2005, started supplying above water filters to the villages in the State of Andhra Pradesh under the auspices of Government of Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan
In 2007, started developing Reverse osmosis system units for use in village’s effects with high fluorine contaminated water.
Further development of water filters, an improved version in the domestic market is being taken –up for commercial expansion in consumer market.
We have been recognized as manufactures and suppliers of Domestic De-fluoride Filters (House Holds) in A.P. and the product has been introduced to fluoride affected districts like Prakasam, Kurnool, Warangal and Karimnagar Districts.
Our organization has got the ISO 9001-2000 Certification. Filters are also manufactured under the guidelines of UNICIEF & I.I.T. Kanpur. Quality has been inspected by concern Dist Officials S.E‘s RWS, Panchayath Raj dept, A.P.
In filter, fluoride removing chemical Activated Alumina is recommended by IIT Kanpur. All raw materials procuring from IPCL, RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD., & Haldia Petro chemicals ltd., Our unit having fully automatic Blow & Injection Mould Machines. Filters Production capacity per month 15000 No’s. We make plastic Containers 5 ml to 5 ltr capacity. Our esteemed customers major pesticide units located at Hyderabad, and also conducting Job works in semi govt. units. Now we are planning to expand throughout India.
Terafil is a burnt red clay porous media, which is produced from the mixture of red clay (pottery clay), sand and wood saw dust. The Terafil is utilised for filtration and treatment raw turbid water into clean drinking water in domestic as well as community use. The Terafil is fitted at the bottom of any water container and the filtered water is collected in another chamber below the container. Terafil removes sediments, suspended particles, microbes, and dissolved iron significantly, and many heavy metals, colour, bad odour to some extent from the raw water during its flow through the Terafil in the water filter. The pores in the Terafil are not interconnected but separated by semipermeable thin clay membranes, which is responsible for efficient filtration without clogging the core of the ‘Terafil’.
The filtration process is rejuvenated by periodic scrubbing and cleaning the top surface of Terafil by opening the new pores. Hence a long life of the ‘Terafil’, more than five years, is achieved. The average rate of filtration 2 lits/hr in the domestic filter has been scaled-up to 1500 lits/hr in community size Terafil water filter.
To evolve into a premier Plastic Containers production in the country by continuously enhancing the range of our competencies, expanding the gamut of our activities and extending the frontiers of our operations
One Machine can do the work of Fifty ordinary Men’s and No Machine can do the work of One extraordinary Man. Efficiency of manpower and Organization growth on a continued basis
Excellent and Efficient Injection and blow moulding Machines Efficient production manpower Clean plant environment
The Andhra Bank Ltd
Reliance Communications
Reddy's Drugs Labs
Jasmine Biological
Chatwal Pharmceutical
Copyright © 2016 Aries Plastics